Saturday 27 October 2012

Project 1 - Winter Warmers

Hello! This is just a quick post explaining the first project although the deadline date is rapidly approaching and I realise that I have left the blog far too long.
I won't bother with a vast list of excuses but I have a lot of balls to juggle, and writing things down about Hearts and Crafts always makes me feel silly when I see it on paper/screen. No idea why...answers on a postcard!

The Winter Warmers project is to help the homeless of Lincoln. The idea is to knit or crochet hats, scarves and gloves to be distributed to the needy by the Nomad Trust. There will be a post about the Nomad Trust coming up so I won't go into detail here.

If you, or someone you know, has the ability and the time to help it would be so greatly appreciated by myself, but more importantly by the homeless people who suffer at the cruel hands of the weather every year. A cozy scarf won't just help them today, or tomorrow, but for years. The winter is so bitterly cold day and night, many homeless cannot get into a night shelter and have to make do with a doorway. There are more than you would think and it is truly sad.
It snowed last night. This morning it was freezing and my 20 minute walk into town was more than enough time to feel thoroughly cold to the bone. I can not imagine how horrid it must be to stay out there all night, every night.
Many people ignore the homeless writing them all off as alcoholics or drug addicts. Whilst this is true for many homeless people, it is not true for all of them. There are many reasons why you could become homeless, don't judge everyone because of the actions of others.

If you are able to help please comment or go to the Facebook page.

Thank you for checking in :)

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