Saturday 27 October 2012

Project 1 - Winter Warmers

Hello! This is just a quick post explaining the first project although the deadline date is rapidly approaching and I realise that I have left the blog far too long.
I won't bother with a vast list of excuses but I have a lot of balls to juggle, and writing things down about Hearts and Crafts always makes me feel silly when I see it on paper/screen. No idea why...answers on a postcard!

The Winter Warmers project is to help the homeless of Lincoln. The idea is to knit or crochet hats, scarves and gloves to be distributed to the needy by the Nomad Trust. There will be a post about the Nomad Trust coming up so I won't go into detail here.

If you, or someone you know, has the ability and the time to help it would be so greatly appreciated by myself, but more importantly by the homeless people who suffer at the cruel hands of the weather every year. A cozy scarf won't just help them today, or tomorrow, but for years. The winter is so bitterly cold day and night, many homeless cannot get into a night shelter and have to make do with a doorway. There are more than you would think and it is truly sad.
It snowed last night. This morning it was freezing and my 20 minute walk into town was more than enough time to feel thoroughly cold to the bone. I can not imagine how horrid it must be to stay out there all night, every night.
Many people ignore the homeless writing them all off as alcoholics or drug addicts. Whilst this is true for many homeless people, it is not true for all of them. There are many reasons why you could become homeless, don't judge everyone because of the actions of others.

If you are able to help please comment or go to the Facebook page.

Thank you for checking in :)

All About Hearts and Crafts

Hello folks! 
Here is a little bit about Hearts and Crafts, it is just copied from the About page but not everyone will look there. If there is anything any one would like to know then just give me a comment, I will be happy to answer! 

 Hearts and Crafts is a non profit charitable organisation founded in September 2012.

The aim of Hearts and Crafts is to spread hope and show care and compassion, one small project at a time.

 The idea behind it arose due to my frustration at being harassed for my money here, there, and everywhere, to help every cause, each as worthy as the next. I like helping people/animals/the environment but I really don't have any pennies left over each month to donate money to even a few causes. What I do have is time to spare and varied crafting skills.
I was very much inspired by the work of the American project - Craft Hope. At first I was hoping to join in but then I saw how much sending packages to America was going to be. The projects over at Craft Hope are not just based in the U.S. but also in other countries the world over, however, the distribution of these goods are arranged by people who live in the U.S. so everything has to be donated via the middleman.
Eventually the light bulb moment hit me - I could do it here. I could set up an organisation to help those in need and badger people to help me, thank you badgered ones and non badgered alike ;)

Having contacted a few places and gotten no response I felt disheartened, I was trying to help but it seemed like no-one wanted "stuff", just money. I kept trying and got a result. This was the Nomad Trust in Lincoln, a charity who help the homeless. Once I got a response I could get the ball rolling.

So I did! I made a Facebook page - HERE - and decided upon the project.

Ultimately at Hearts and Crafts the aim is to show people that someone cares and wants to help them, donating a hand made item for a project is more personal and you know that the recipient will be grateful not only for the item but for the symbol of compassion the item is.

At the moment we are just starting out on this journey so projects will most likely be within the UK and probably for smaller charities that may pass beneath the radar for many people. These charities will probably not have national ad campaigns or money to hire chuggers (Charity muggers - the people who hound you, often aggressively, into donating money via a monthly direct debit and have no shame in accosting you in the street and worst of all, in your own home.)
 to help their causes.

If you would like more information or to suggest a charity then feel free to email me at heartsandcraftsproject(at)gmail(dot)com replacing (at) with @ and (dot) with .

The Dreaded First Post!

Hello everyone!
Right....well.... I always find these things to be rather awkward as I never know what to put.

First of all I would like to thank you for your support, getting the word out there is half the battle!

If you take a look around the blog you will see a bar with links to pages underneath the header. There are only a few at the moment but please take a little look. I have "Home" which is where you are now, it will be where all blog posts and updates will be found. There is a link to my "About" page, although it will be posted up here as well it will be where information regarding the ideals and creation of the project can be found. Next to this there is the link for the projects - at present there is only one project but before I know it I'm sure there will be half a dozen! There is also a directory named as "Links" where you will find charities, useful information, websites with any relevant patterns on it etc.

Enough boring stuff!
If you would like to become a "follower" then look to the right of the screen for the gadget.
I also have a facebook page - find me here HeartsandCraftsProject
Have a gander and feel inspired - the smallest of actions can have the biggest of impacts :)

Lucy x